June 8, 2010

Baptist Press: Israel now facing 'new anti-Semitism,' Sibley says

Baptist Press has an interesting story today. The Baptist Press piece titled, "Israel now facing 'new anti-Semitism,' Sibley says " makes the point that Israel is now facing global political attacks as a result of taking action regarding the attempted breach of its blockade by the so-called peacekeeping flotilla.

Jewish studies expert and Director of the Pasche Institute for Jewish Studies, James Sibley, said, "What we see in the reaction of much of the world in the wake of Israel's enforcement of its blockade of Gaza is what is called the new anti-Semitism. The old anti-Semitism was largely founded on a racial basis, while the new anti-Semitism is politically based. Nevertheless, it is still anti-Semitic in that it is a hatred of Israel simply because it is a Jewish state."

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