June 30, 2010

Australia's New Prime Minister Grew up Baptist and now is an Atheist

Politics Daily has an interesting story today about Australia's new Prime Minister, who is the first woman to hold that position and apparently she is also an atheist.   

According to the Politics Daily piece, Prime Minister Julia Gillard stated, "'No, I don't,' she told an interviewer at Australia's national radio, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp.) who asked her point blank if she believed in God. 'I'm not a religious person.'"

"I was brought up in the Baptist Church, but during my adult life I've, you know, found a different path. I'm of course a great respecter of religious beliefs, but they're not my beliefs."  

The piece goes on to say, "Gillard was a studious Christian as a child, winning prizes for catechism lessons and for memorizing Bible verses. But, she noted, "I've made decisions in my adult life about my own views."

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