According to the KFSM story the atheist group, Northwest Arkansas Coalition for Reason, placed a billboard along the busy highway in Springdale, Arkansas.
I find it interesting that atheist groups refer to themselves as "Free Thinkers" and a "Coalition for Reason" inferring of course that theists do not think for themselves and are unreasonable. Ironically, it seems that the atheists are becoming more and more engaged in proselytizing as evidenced by the recent rash of billboards, the birth of atheist churches such as the North Texas Church of Freethought and even an atheist evangelist.
Yes, millions are good/well without God. It is God's will for the sun to rise on the just and unjust alike (Matt 5:45). The difference is I'd rather be "good" and in God's Kingdom than "good" and in hell when it's all said and done.
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