March 27, 2009

UN Human Rights Council approves call to curb religious criticism

The United Nations Human Rights Council yesterday approved a measure to urge countries around the world to protect religion from criticism. The resolution was put forward by Pakistan on behalf of the Organisation of The Islamic Conference.

The resolution encourages nations to provide "protection against acts of hatred, discrimination, intimidation and coercion resulting from defamation of religions and incitement to religious hatred in general."

The Associated Press story stated, "Muslim nations have argued that religions, in particular Islam, must be shielded from criticism in the media and other areas of public life. They cited cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad as an example of unacceptable free speech."

The resolution also says that Islam, "is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism."

Standing in opposition to the resolution were Canada, all European Union countries, Switzerland, Ukraine and Chile.

The fact that a "Human Rights Council" would actively encourage nations to stifle free speech is simply absurd and antithetical to standing up for human rights.