“And, you know, that is my ultimate message. Unless a god told you personally what happens when you die, it all came from another person with no more mental powers than you have, and you don't know. So just man up and say, ‘I don't know.’”
For Maher to proudly advance a message of ignorance while being notorious for calling religious people stupid is breathtakingly irrational and leads me to wonder if he thinks at all before he speaks. Furthermore, it seems to me that an agnostic should be more of a spectator than an evangelist, but I digress.
Amidst his crusade of advancing ignorance, Maher has come to this conclusion:
“if the universe begins at a certain point, what was before the universe? Nothing…..we can't contemplate that, because nothing is something. See, there may be answers. I'm not saying that there isn't something out there. I'm not strictly an atheist. An atheist is certain there's no god.” (emphasis added)
This is rich. An evangelistic agnostic says, “nothing is something.” Wouldn’t the implication of this convoluted idea be that something is nothing? Again I digress! I’ll get back on point now. Seriously, with statements like this it is hard to believe that Maher has given any serious thought to the issues he so routinely and viciously attacks. If Maher is the left’s agent for intellectually assaulting Christianity then Christianity is clearly not in any danger.
Maher further displayed absurdity with this one,
“It's just the ultimate hustle. It's just ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.’ You know, why can't they, I always ask -- I asked Jesus at
If he thinks religion is a “hustle” why is he on Larry King Live promoting his movie about religion? If it weren’t for religion Maher would be out of a very lucrative job. So who’s really hustling who?
Maher went on to make this statement that I was glad to see,
“I was impressed with how hard it is to make a movie, and it altered my thinking about ever wanting to make another one.”
Hopefully, Maher will forever remain true to his altered thinking.
If you would like to see the interview or read the transcript: