According to Stephens, Israel has reached the decision that Obama is not going to lift a finger to stop Iran nor will the "International Community." Stephens also notes that Israel has even been trying to "goad" the U.S. into dealing with Iran, but the U.S. isn't taking the bait. So we have to wonder why. Stephens suggests the answer to why is, "Perhaps it thinks its diplomacy will work, or that it has the luxury of time, or that it can talk the Israelis out of attacking. Alternatively, it might actually want Israel to attack without inviting the perception that it has colluded with it. Or maybe it isn't really paying attention."

Moshe Dann, in his piece, "Sacrificing Israel," on IsraeliNationalNews.com, suggests that Obama will use Israel as a scapegoat. Dann, says, "President Obama knows that, short of military intervention, nothing will prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Making Israeli concessions the key to stopping Iran, therefore, allows Obama a perfect excuse: Israel didn't do enough; it's Israel's fault."
Consider this, not only could Israel be used as a scapegoat for Obama in the Middle East as Dann suggests, but Israel could also be used as a scapegoat domestically. If Israel attacks the Iranian nuclear sites, undoubtedly oil prices will soar causing prices at the pump to soar. And since things are already bad and getting worse in the American economy, a major conflict in the Middle East could be a rather convenient tool for Obama in more ways than one. Hopefully none of these speculations are true, but it sure makes one wonder.
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