In the letter to the IRS, Rev. Barry Lynn, President of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, wrote “Liberty University has no right to do partisan proselytizing and still retain a tax exemption, I urge the IRS to act swiftly to correct this injustice.”
Liberty University's Liberty Counsel announced today that it plans to file a

Matt Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty School of Law said, "Liberty has complete freedom to officially recognize or not recognize any club, especially when the decision is based on its core mission,” he said. “Liberty is not endorsing or opposing political candidates. Liberty cannot and will not lend its name or funds to support causes that undermine its mission and core values, such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Had Barry Lynn paid more attention to the facts rather than being absorbed in his fundraising scheme, he would have realized that the Democratic club can still meet on campus. It simply cannot use Liberty’s name or funds to promote abortion or same-sex marriage."
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