The UK Telegraph reported on September 14 that the Church of England will offer an apology to Charles Darwin for their rejection of Darwinian Evolution. Of course this is not too surprising given that the A
rchbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has stated that Christian doctrine, specifically the doctrine of the Trinity, is offensive to Muslims, Islamic Sharia Law should be instituted in England, Creationism should not be taught in schools and that homosexuality is comparable to marriage. Given the compromise shown by the leadership of the church it is not surprising that there is a rift in the denomination.
According to the Telegraph, the statement from the Church of England will read,
“Charles Darwin: 200 years from your birth, the Church of England owes you an apology for misunderstanding you and, by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand you still. We try to practise the old virtues of 'faith seeking understanding' and hope that makes some amends.”
In addition to the apology to Darwin, the Church of England launched a website to promote Darwin’s views.
Evidently the leadership of the Church of England values political correctness more than doctrinal fidelity.
This is certainly a wakeup call and an unsettling one at that. To know that the major church in England, one of America's most beloved allies, would not only endorse Darwin's theory, but actually publish an official apology to Darwin, should cause our own church walls in America to shake. Perhaps a good shaking will stir more American Christians to do missionary work in England.
J. Borges
In the midst of a world that will not tolerate intolerance and that everything is relative to your point of view, I guess we shouldn't be surprised when church leaders begin to compromise their faith. It is unfortunate to know that the true love of Christ is being traded in for a counterfeit. in the name of political correctness and acceptance we are willing to mock the sacrifice of Christ and say that any belief as long as it leads to goodness is sufficient. But it appears the Church of England is willing to go much further and actually,through creating a website promoting Darwinism, pursue the teaching of something that lead its architect to an abandonment of his faith in Christ.
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Seems to me that the Church of England continues to attempt gaining notoriety through associating the famous (i.e. Darwin) to their assembly even though they (i.e Darwin) firmly deny that God even exists! I couldn't help but think that through the acceptance of such falsity they deny the martyrs, the persecuted and those that strive and toil to take this Gospel to the ends of the earth. However, to the Church of England and to their desire to gain notoriety I would say as Paul, "What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice."
While in Northern England this past July, the hot topics of conversation were the Episcopal church in America and its tolerance of homosexuality amongst the bishops, as well as the attempt to establish Shariah law within Britain. I did not realize that the Church of England had strayed farther away from orthodox doctrine in trying to make amends with Charles Darwin and promoting his theory of evolution. However, I suppose it should not surprise me. Apologizing to the late Charles Darwin seems almost tame in comparison when you consider many of the other agendas the archbishop is promoting.
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